Saturday, March 29, 2014

This generat

A decontamination device, be it a building barcelona or enclosure, must meet the same basic requirements. There has to be sealed and heated to the air flow and exhaust capacity to dispose of, need to exhaust chimney is high enough (at least 40 feet, approx. 13 meters) should be to the left equal distribution of gas and material become suitable. Similarly, the Zyklon barcelona B material.
First, if a chamber is used today, barcelona it should be sealed with a suitable pressure test 'cauldron', which must be sealed in an inert (epoxy) paint, stainless steel or plastic (frosted asbestos, neoprene or Teflon). For this building to be brick, or stone, inside and inert (epoxy) paint or tar, tar or asphalt must be covered. The doors and windows should be sealed or impregnated tarred tarpaulin barcelona or leplombálni and neoprene sealant or tar to be closed. barcelona In either case, the area should be very dry. The "seal" has two meanings: first, the unit mechanically stop the leak, and secondly, that the exposed surfaces of equipment infiltration closes.
Second, the Zyklon B to have been in the chamber or structure a gázfejlesztővel or distributed with have, that was supposed to have been driven by the Zyklon B or generator hot air (the generator if has been sealed, it was water-heated) and áramoltatnia the warm air space in the gas. Mixture required for disinfection milliomodrésznyi 3.200 (ppm) or the total volume of 0:32% of HCN to contain. The chamber can accommodate elzáródásmentesnek and strong, stable, ample air flow had to be fit.
Third, the structure of the chamber or the poisonous air evacuation and replacement with fresh air suitable device should have. Generally, it suction or ventilation fan or vent and intake valves, or such sufficient size to reach shuttering barcelona windows, which allow for adequate air changes per hour. Generally, an appropriate cubic foot per minute (12:33 m ') volume ventilation, suction and vent air circulation allows a full 12 hours, and may require one or two hours twice to operate. The larger the equipment, the less can be realized (due to the fan size available), and the extraction several hours or even more extended period barcelona of time it takes.
The material is left over of the equipment at a safe distance, where air currents can dissipate into the gas to be ventilated. It usually rises 40 feet above the building, but should be higher if the building is wind shade. If incinerators barcelona are used, you only need a few feet high chimney. Usually too expensive to burn HCN, due to the amount of air that must be used during the small period of time. The facility within the walls of the intake barcelona air and the gas temperature at least 10 degrees above the hydrocyanic acid boiling point (78.3 F) maintained that the facility walls, floors and ceilings, as well as the exhaust system prevents the thickening of HCN. If the temperature is 79 'F below, and the solidification is established, the facility should be exempted klóroldattal discolouring or ammonia - more effective than the previous. This can be accomplished by either mechanically barcelona or manually sprayed barcelona on the walls. If you are sprayed by hand, protective clothing (usually neoprene) should be worn and the technician barcelona must use air suction cylinder as gas masks are not safe, and even dangerous. Evacuate the interior barcelona of the building for a longer period, the chlorine bleach solution vapors of the ventilation system can negate the liquid HCN. Before the next use, rinse the inside of the building, carefully wipe up and out to dry. In addition, to check the air in the building, whether all HCN removed it? The test can be performed gázdetektorral or vörösrézacetáttal. Previous case-sensitivity of 10 ppm is accompanied by an electronic reader. The other one was mixed benzidén vörösrézacetát solution, wetting it with a piece of paper, which is different in degree turn blue in the presence of HCN.
Among the requirements for the disinfection equipment installations shall be used to execute a lot too. In general, however, the firing equipment is always smaller and more efficient. Gas chamber executions, usually used for Zyklon B is not because there are too many long it takes for the substrate of the neutral gas releases. Hitherto, the only effective method has been to the site of sodium cyanide and 18% sulfuric barcelona acid, the chemical barcelona reaction of gas developed. Recently, a gas generator barcelona design you completed you will have a double gas chamber, near Jefferson City, Missouri state penitentiary were used. The author of this gas chamber design consultant.
This generat

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