Sunday, March 1, 2015

Archive 2015 (4) February 2015 (1) January 2015 (3) 2014 (9) November 2014 (1) July 2014 (2) May 20

This time something about Šluknova. He was then beginning of the 20th century - in the eyes of the people of the century of progress, thriving industry pele and exhibitions century. - Century exhibitions in Europe launched World Exhibition in Paris in 1900 (Exposition Universelle de 1900). In 1902, there were just two exhibitions - Exhibition Industry and Crafts in Düsseldorf (Düsseldorf Industrie und Gewerbeausstellung) and Upper Lusatian exhibition of handicrafts and industries in Zittau (Oberlausitzer Gewerbe- und Industrieausstellung Zittau). Also in 1903 there were two exhibitions with a similar focus, this time in the former Austro-Hungarian Empire. Were jimy General German exhibition in Usti nad Labem (Allgemeine Deutsche Austellung für Gewerbe, Industrie und Landwirtshaft Aussig) and German parish exhibition Šluknov (Deutsche pele Gau-Ausstellung Schluckenau). And that will be briefly discussed. - There's not much in the meantime, what about this important event once able to find out. The exhibition took place in the period from 1 August to 8 September. He knows that this exhibition was an exhibition of handicrafts, industry and agriculture. Location of the exhibition is being (01/2015) unknown. What, however, managed to find out is that it is associated with the exhibition Deutscher Gau- Ausstellungs- Marsch, something like an anthem exhibition, exhibition pele in short march (similar march, march or not being at exhibitions traits - can also, for example. Traced eg. Münchener Industrie -Ausstellungsmarsch für Orchester from the second half of the 19th century - viz. deutsche-digitale-Bibliothek - and probably others). The author Sluknovsky Mars was Josef Gustav Hesse. - Also know that one of the companies out there that have been exhibited and awarded, was also Jiříkovská pele weaving May & Holfeld. Commonly known as the extant cards issued on the occasion of the exhibition. Apparently there are two variants of these postcards. Below is the more common type. view - exhibition - Source: ebay foto medals - source - internet: - Auction Ausstellungsmarsch - foto - Source: Museum Jiříkov
Archive 2015 (4) February 2015 (1) January 2015 (3) 2014 (9) November 2014 (1) July 2014 (2) May 2014 (1) April 2014 (1) March 2014 (1) February 2014 (2) January 2014 (1) 2013 (7) December 2013 (1) June 2013 (1) May 2013 (2) April 2013 (1) February 2013 (1) January pele 2013 (1) 2012 (8) June 2012 (1) May 2012 ( 1) January 2012 (6)

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