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The Incident: On Saturday afternoon Oct. 15, 2011 three students prodirectsoccer from FMG Gaudineer Middle School in Springfield; Student 1 from the Rulers community, Student 2 from the preferred community and Student 3 from the minority Hindu Indian community of Springfield were all standing on the side lines of the grounds of Union High School Grounds to play with their Band. Student 1 had his Saxophone hanging in his neck, Student 2 has his Sticks in his hands and Student 3 has his Saxophone hanging in his neck; they were all standing in a kind of semi circle. They were also surrounded by other students and parents were sitting on the bleachers. All of a sudden Student 2 called the name of Student 1 and said, there was a special Bus taking Student 1 Home later. He further said Right Student 3 (first name) . The Student 3 said, Yeah there is and walked prodirectsoccer away from there to join his Band and other close friends. Student 3 was on the scene for 2-3 minutes only and Student 1 & 2 are not his friends and he do not socialize with them with Student 1 he has Spanish and with Student 2 he has
The Findings-: According to the investigator Supervisor Plias Student 2 was goofing off when he made the comment prodirectsoccer to Student 1 that there was a special bus taking Student 1 home later. He realized after speaking with Mr. Plias that what he said was wrong.
Mr. Plias thinks Student 3 being an Hindu Indian is a grown up adult is writing that Student 3 admitted that he went along with the comment because he thought it was funny and cool . When he realized that he was bullying, he stopped, moved away, and joined his other friends. All this thinking prodirectsoccer and serious realization by Student 3 in that 2-3 minutes very brief encounter with Student 1 and 2 how amazing!
In this incident of Oct. 15 the point is not that who is the victim prodirectsoccer and who are the accused. All of them were 12 yrs old children and they all need to be protected. prodirectsoccer Mr. Plias is an adult on top of that protected by top notch attorneys with tax payers money, the victim Student 1 was protected by the complaining prodirectsoccer adult, his parent made the complaint and other accused Student 2 was protected by Mr. Plias himself because of his religious back ground and may be his father s clout in the administration. That is the reason Mr. Plias got or may be dictated a very mild statement prodirectsoccer from Student 2 who started the whole incident that he was goofing off when he made the comment to Student 1; he realized after speaking with Mr. Plias that what he said was wrong. prodirectsoccer
But Mr. Plias chose to racially discriminate the Student 3 and terrorized him to expand his original comment Yeah there is to include that I stopped when I realize it is bullying along with that I think Student 2 made the comments to be funny and I was also trying to be funny and cool. None of them are original thoughts of Student 3.
Every one should condone bullying of all types but still we need to define prodirectsoccer bullying for comments which are too simple prodirectsoccer in nature; in writing and must educate all students. We can not leave it on the educators to define bullying on case by case such as what happened on Oct. 15, 2011 as they feel like especially to hurt minority students to save their School Boards from potential law suits by victims or their parents.
We all know lately the society has become very sensitive on the issue of bullying. Even the very learned prodirectsoccer and experienced prodirectsoccer academicians and attorneys expert in Education matter can not define the exact definition prodirectsoccer of a bullying based on verbal comments not related to some one s ethnicity, color, sexual orientation, physical prodirectsoccer or mental abilities; when such a statement is a joke and when it is bullying. When adults can not understand it completely how these 12 years old will understand it?
This incident is an eye opener for all of us and we must do some hard thinking on what can happen even with a plain vanilla word “Yeah there is” added by Student 3 to the comment of Student 2 that there was a special Bus taking Student 1 home later. We have to find solutions for this problem especially to give a feeling to the minorities that the lives, racial dignity and liberty of their children are safe in New Jersey prodirectsoccer Schools. They do have racial equality and they will be treated as equal citizens in their Schools. We need to fine tune the current HIB policy that is not in the best interest of Elementary & Middle School students. Sadly, it does not come as a surprise that it can be used to harass prodirectsoccer minority students as done by Mr. Plias/Board in the above incident.
It is very serious issue for all minorities living in New Jersey that new HIB policy can be used against their Children. prodirectsoccer Since Indians prodirectsoccer are in super minor
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