Sunday, November 17, 2013

Blog prepared in cooperation with the Institute of Human Rights (ILP) and aims to bring topics and

We are all Chelsea Manning
Chelsea Manning is guilty. Beyond reasonable doubt. In his guilt, however, lies one of the greatest ideas. Freedom. That makes her a heroine. However, robin van persie I think that the most important question is not whether or not the heroine. No matter how pathetic robin van persie it sounds, the most important is the message which arise as a consequence of the complexity Reports across Bradley Manning.
Manning existential act, publish classified information, can not be considered "just" for heroism and sacrifice in the subjective sense. It is not about whether to maintain properly as a righteous person, or calculated by consequences or simply done what she had. Manning's offense is the biggest proof that we are not living in a post-ideological world. Broke the symbolic order "rights" to show the reality beyond its symbolic contours.
As British feminists fight for women's suffrage decided to choose violent strategy of damage, in other words, chose rape as his weapon law, also has to break the existing order. Then the process was perceived very negatively. Threatened the traditional conservative values, robin van persie the status of women in the "healthy" robin van persie society, labor relations, and the like. After all, today any protest for human rights takes on a negative connotation, as soon as there is a manifestation of violence. I dare say even that may not even occur to acts of violence and ideological filter causes a kind of resentment or reluctance by most neutral observers. Power is not set autodeštruktívne. All the rights that citizens would today (at least in Western Europe) take left, were born on the barricades. So how do you look at Manning's offense?
The entire event, from the beginning of the sentencing should not be seen primarily robin van persie as a heroic struggle of the individual (although this aspect deserves admiration even in the circumstances relating to the detention and torture) against the state machine. Precisely because it was not a fight for the rights of the individual, but the nature of the struggle in which we live. Come back to blame. Knowingly breaking the law, rape of existing law, is one form of lens through which we perceive Manning affair. robin van persie Wine is one who knowingly violates the law and is recognized as guilty by the court. The court applies the law, which in itself implies robin van persie a possibility to be recovered by force, in other words, there is no application or enforcement of the law without force. 1 However, to distinguish the force of law, force de loi, since violence is always considered unfair? 2 Those persons committing such violence, if violence is understood as a violation of the law, is also Chelsea Manning. So we have two options. Either we evaluate the transfer of materials robin van persie Wikileaks robin van persie as a simple violation robin van persie of the law or we seen this act with exceeding its consequences. robin van persie
The public knows more thanks robin van persie to Manning's offense. Vie, officially, the torture, the contempt for human dignity and dirty practices in politics. It is this alone rendered content information makes sense outburst is power. There is no greater act of patriotism than the citizens of his country spreading robin van persie the truth. Plotting the information they steal, they delivered into the hands of public scrutiny, ie where they should be. Can this be considered theft? robin van persie
There currently are experiencing this issue on the second page of the link. The fact that there was a conviction, there is a completion of the entire image, without whom we would, paradoxically, could not fully appreciate robin van persie the importance of Manning's offense. This brings me to why I mentioned at the beginning, the primary concern is not the admiration of heroic defiance. Power alone confirmed its ineligibility to protect the interests of its citizens in those cases, which were a compromise of materials. So there has been a violation of the law, but just the fact that it occurred offense, what did Chelsea Manning and subsequently confirmed by the court, we can talk about the injustice of the situation, the absence of democracy and the ideal of suppressing freedom of citizens own State, who should know what does state on their behalf. The complexity robin van persie of the problem in the exact sequence of steps created robin van persie a unique opportunity, a kind of blank space on which to build further the fight for democracy and freedom. Manning has and will have followers. Its meaning is just breaking in a closed symbolic system secret diplomacy and cover crimes.
As a consequence the whole case Manning is one specific situation characteristic of a power that has no fixed position or losing ground. Much credit has to create the image of this situation, what could happen robin van persie only because of the massive global support. Fundamental importance lies in the fact that whatever those in power did lose.
Blog prepared in cooperation with the Institute of Human Rights (ILP) and aims to bring topics and neglected human-related aspects of global affairs. Editor of the blog is director Peter ILP Weisen

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