Pathetic are these words, pro direct uttered by Christ the Lord about their learning. It says that everything in the heavens and the earth pass away, that is according to God's provision adequate spůsobem changes, but His words will never pass away that they always will, but will remain the same, never will not lose its validity.
We will surely pro direct all the teachings of the Lord since time immemorial and to the instruction pro direct of Christ himself called the gospel. The word is Greek and it means so much to Czechia good, glad tidings. A doctrine of the Lord is called the joyous message all right, because proclaiming to us the greatest joy that the Lord Jesus has already come to us already redeemed, and what we have to do, that we were really redeemed.
Because Jesus preached and could proclaim the only one learning, because the truth is only one - still evident that the gospel is the only one; but because we see this one by four gospel writers saints; distinguish four evangelists; Thus the gospel is the only one, but four evangelists.
Is now a sacred time of Advent, which we remember those sad times before the Lord preached this gospel; remembers us how God promised to the tribe of human Redeemer after four thousand years preparing. Also we have in Adveno prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ to his dignity and salvation useful. Operating this gives us the Holy Gospel, and how this Gospel according připravovati we are, we know well on the four holy evangelists.
I therefore resolved to speak to your Loves year during Advent of the four holy evangelists, and so, according to the example they prepare for the Nativity of Jesus. pro direct So today I will talk about St. Matthew and show that it is a beautiful example of true repentance.
If you look into the books of Scripture everywhere recognize that if God had to do something great humanity, important, always ask ahead of repentance. And it could not and can not be otherwise; because if it does not fit malevolent soul wisdom, but shall dwell in the body that is subject unto sin. (Wisely. 1, 4), how could God prokazovati great boon especially where the heart is cleansed by repentance? Therefore, repentance makes a man accessible to God, true tears of contrition or contrite mind are the heavenly dew that drench pro direct the soil of our hearts, pro direct so that it can continue to sow the seed of God's grace, so that really brought fruit. Therefore preached repentance in the Old Testament prophets, because even St. John the Baptist preparing pro direct humanity for God's greatest boon to the next Redeemer, so often and so emphatically calls: Repent! And not otherwise have done Divine Savior himself; He also repeats the commandment: "Repent!" and those who do not fulfill the commandments, there is a severe case: perish.
If we want to therefore prepare well for the Nativity of Jesus, we must also repent. However, in Cempaka depends repentance and what he should be? It will just show the evangelist St. Matthew pro direct the Lord. I choose from the holy Evangelists St. Matthew precisely for that reason that he was not always a saint, but as apparently resembles the holy gospel, called by Christ the Lord to the number of apostles just that office, where many committed such offenses, they pay for public sinners. St. Matthew, however, rectify repentance all right.
1st St. Matthew also called Levi and was the son of Alpheus. His profession he was leading, as it called itself, was a Jew by religion, which can dovozovati from the fact that Christ as Apostle to the Gentiles did not accept. The Office of the nose ran in Capernaum, a town on Lake of Gennesaret, where Christ is Lord especially worked, and where a spur of Matthew to the apostolic office called.
In Capernaum was a flourishing trade, because there were many middlemen, traders and leaders. Customs also chose sovereign taxes and duties, which had to é é id clothing and d of the Ro Man U m. Pon of defects from from id é considered an oval and so é n and rodeo were God's chosen ý m, m of If not for the great disgrace, pro direct F e had to pay taxes to the Gentiles; for that reason also despised by all those who are Gentiles pro direct to lend collection of such taxes. In addition, pro direct Customs also changed pro direct people's money, then when it was committed various frauds; then pagans pro direct believed that the Romans pro direct do not pay all the taxes and duties, pro direct therefore, should celné for thieves and scammers. Pharisees called celné public sinners.
And for such a class of people opovržených that will surely committed many fraud and abuse, belonged before his vocation apostle pro direct Matthew. However, when the Lord Jesus came, uzdraviv pro direct man sick of the palsy, who forgave sins, in Capernaum to its customs, he said briefly: "Follow me!" A customs Matthew immediately left their customs, and went to the Lord Jesus. (Matt. 9: 9) So St. Matthew tells about himself.
It dressed customs Lord Jesus feast and invited her for many leading others, they want to they know Christ the Lord and believed pro direct in Him. Above the Pharisees and scribes offend, censuring the Lord Jesus, that her and lies with publicans and sinners her public; but the Lord told them that they need health doctor, but the sick, and they did not come to call to repentance spra
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